this happened last week .at er .i have sent it to apropriate response yet .i will wat it tuesday of next week.2-12-18....never again will i take a fam member there.
Tuesday dec 9th mother Ella Hyden was there by ambulance.she is 93 an in poor health .her reason for her visit was very higb blood pressure an ik they are very busy ,no excuse for the treatment she recieved,she laid hr's until they treated her for it.ive never seen less compassion or care in my life that she recieved that night.this could have bn fatal for her.finally she got meds to help with her bp.there was a i guess male nurse there that was very cruel.wen one asked why i needed them once again after i hit the bell wte to get attention i said she is 93 very sick an has laid for hr's yr employee named trevor howard was very mean .he said well theres other sick ppl here besides her an let me know loudly that she is not the only one.i did lose my temper an said excuse me we had a few wrd's an he still did his rant even bk to the nurses station.better be glad my mom is ok.this problem need's to be dealt with.i expect he be i do need someone from there to contact me .ty for yr time.
this happened last week .at er .i have sent it to apropriate response yet .i will wat it tuesday of next week.2-12-18....never again will i take a fam member there. Tuesday dec 9th mother Ella Hyden was there by ambulance.she is 93 an in poor health .her reason for her visit was very higb blood pressure an ik they are very busy ,no excuse for the treatment she recieved,she laid hr's until they treated her for it.ive never seen less compassion or care in my life that she recieved that night.this could have bn fatal for her.finally she got meds to help with her bp.there was a i guess male nurse there that was very cruel.wen one asked why i needed them once again after i hit the bell wte to get attention i said she is 93 very sick an has laid for hr's yr employee named trevor howard was very mean .he said well theres other sick ppl here besides her an let me know loudly that she is not the only one.i did lose my temper an said excuse me we had a few wrd's an he still did his rant even bk to the nurses station.better be glad my mom is ok.this problem need's to be dealt with.i expect he be i do need someone from there to contact me .ty for yr time.