I've been dealing with a plantar watt for 3 years. I've been passed along amongst different providers in the practice over this time. Last year the plantar wart became so bad that I couldn't walk while out of town. Dr out of town recommended that I see podiatrist about surgery. Followed up with Dr. Masternick who didn't feel comfortable with surgery & suggested acid on foot over 6 month span. Had follow up with Dr Lemmenes in late December who used an acid base applied to foot over several days with no boil as a result my foot has been tender on the sole for over a month. Scheduled a surgery with Dr Unroe, scheduler told me procedure would be a 9;30, I showed up this morning to be told that I can't be seen because my surgery was at 9am. I explained that I've been dealing with this issue for 3 years & that I've taken a sick day to come in. Office Mgr explained that I couldn't be seen. Office preys on quantity over quality, only looking to meet production numbers. Not concerned about the patient at all, poor bedside manner.
I've been dealing with a plantar watt for 3 years. I've been passed along amongst different providers in the practice over this time. Last year the plantar wart became so bad that I couldn't walk while out of town. Dr out of town recommended that I see podiatrist about surgery. Followed up with Dr. Masternick who didn't feel comfortable with surgery & suggested acid on foot over 6 month span. Had follow up with Dr Lemmenes in late December who used an acid base applied to foot over several days with no boil as a result my foot has been tender on the sole for over a month. Scheduled a surgery with Dr Unroe, scheduler told me procedure would be a 9;30, I showed up this morning to be told that I can't be seen because my surgery was at 9am. I explained that I've been dealing with this issue for 3 years & that I've taken a sick day to come in. Office Mgr explained that I couldn't be seen. Office preys on quantity over quality, only looking to meet production numbers. Not concerned about the patient at all, poor bedside manner.